Tips for creating a quality website

3 min read

Passed the question whether it is necessary to have a website for your business, now is the time to think about creating a quality website that will help you boost your business. A live web, dynamic, result oriented, not to create a simple window and leave it standing there in time until “yellowing”.

How to create a quality website?

In this article I have compiled a list of tips and items that you should keep in mind when creating an effective web and quality…

Creating a quality website
Image Source: Google Image

1. Goals

Clearly define the goal of your website and within each of the pages to define what you want the user to do, thereby preventing that the user wander on your page without finding anything specific.

2. Usability

Use a clear navigation, making it easier for users to find your content quickly.

3. Design

Use a clean, clear and consistent with the image you want to convey your company design, always using your corporate colors.

4. Content

Creating quality content is the key to retain existing customers and attract new ones. It is important to persuade them to continue longer on your website.

5. Readability

In response to the maxim that the Internet does not read, scan, it is recommended to use short paragraphs, make use of the lists, add graphic elements that accompany and encourage reading, insert videos, calls to action.

6. Sociable

Adds social to all pages of your buttons, giving the possibility that your products and services are shared. On the other hand, it is also waiting for a visitor that your company has a presence in social networks and thus has implanted icons of social networks on your website.

7. Contact information

Make your contact information (phone, email, physical address, etc.) is easy to find in any part of your website and is a prominent, preferably in the upper right and in the footer instead.

You may also like to read another article on Web-Build: Build a website: Resources and Help

8. Testimonials from your customers

Builds trust and credibility with real testimonials from your customers, it is also advisable to include a carousel of company logos, customers or suppliers with whom you work.

9. Subscription to the newsletter

It gives your visitors the chance to subscribe to your newsletter by offering something in return, either with content as an eBook or through discounts, offers, etc.

10. Site Map

Includes a map of your site, this will make your users can see all you offer at a glance and can find what they seek more easily.

11. Use the breadcrumbs

Also known as Breadcrumds or thread is an element that is normally found under the menu and where is telling the user where he is at all times.

12. Blog

An integrated into your blog will help attract visitors to your site; you must take into account that the information is consistent, quality and useful. It is also important to give a prominent place in the home.

13. Adaptable Web or responsive design

Your website must be able to adapt to all devices, or screen resolution, thus you will improve the experience of your users.

Have you any advice you add more to create a quality website? I love to hear more views on this subject. Here you can find more tips like this content.

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