Nowadays, you cannot possibly succeed on the web without a professional web design. So, what are the most important aspects to consider while designing your website? In this write-up we shall briefly take a look at 5 Specifics of a Quality Web Design.
5 Specifics of a Quality Web Design
*Minimal Loading Time
Studies show that an average internet user can only spend up to four seconds in deciding whether your website is worth his time or not. This is the small window of time that you should focus on while designing a quality website. Well, this does not necessarily mean that all your website details should load within four seconds, No. The thumb rule here is to focus on capturing your visitor’s interest within the first few seconds. Even if the rest of the website takes a long time to load, you must always ensure that your homepage loads within the least time possible. This way you’ll be able to grab your viewer’s interest and keep him waiting for the rest of the web page to load.
*Well laid out
Your site should be arranged in such a way that it drives the viewer towards your content. To avoid your site appearing messed up, use common fonts that are available on all computers. Some of the best fonts to try include: Arial, Helvetica, Geneva and Verdana. Viewers love something that appears simple and easy to understand.
*Clean HTML
The web is an ever evolving creature. It is important that you design a website that is capable of growing. Clean HTML not only enables you to do this, but also saves your money and time. HTML has been around for quite some time now and along its path of growth it has acquired several side-kicks. Don’t let your webpage lag behind by not using clean HTML.
*Clear and easy to navigate
Your website navigation features should always be easily accessible, consistent and neat. At the same time, the navigation tools should be flexible enough to accommodate additional links. Build your site based on your audience’s preferences and expectations. Also, remember that people don’t love visiting passive websites. Provide a ‘comments’ section at the bottom of your website to get them involved in various discussions on your site.
Depending on the number of colors that you wish to use on your website, there are two different formats of graphics to go for- .GIF and. JPG. If you want to use a wide variety of colors, you should go for the .JPG format. On the other hand if you intend to design a simple website the .GIF format would be the best choice for you. Whatever you choose, always make sure that the size of your files does not in any way affect your site’s loading speed.
In summary, the 5 Specifics of a Quality Web Design discussed above are the most useful to consider while designing your website. If you take them into account, then you’ll not need to worry about keeping viewers on your site for more than the usual 4 seconds. Clue Design can help you build a great looking site that takes all of these factors into consideration, making your site a performance machine that will please both users and search engines.
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