Whether you run an online marketing company, a web design firm, or manage a team performing social media marketing, you’ve likely realised that managing takes up a large part of your day. It is impossible to do everything yourself, and you need to be able to delegate to other people in order for your projects to be successful. However, not everyone is born to be a good manager.
According to a recent infographic by Brandeis University and its project and program management degree program, there are many traits that a successful project manager needs to have. These traits include having lots of enthusiasm, being self-confident, being sensitive to the needs of employees, being able to delegate and cope with situations as they arrive, and being able to communicate and mobilize your staff. You can find out more about these traits in the infographic below.
Brandeis University M.S. in Project and Program Management Online
The Many Tasks of an Efficient Project Manager infographic was created by Brandeis University.
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