When it comes to creating a new website, one of the first aspects that you’ll need to consider is which web host will be right for you. A web host will provide the server space necessary to store the files associated with your website, and can often also provide you with some very useful extras. There are several options available, each with their own advantages.
Shared server options
The major differences in the various solutions available come down to the server. Shared hosting, for example, is just that: your website will be sharing a server’s resources such as bandwidth and storage with other websites. This is the cheapest service available, and can be a good choice for bloggers or those wanting an information-only website. It’s simple to get your website up and running, coming with a handy control panel. However, because the number of other sites sharing the server is likely to place a high demand on its resources, there can be performance and even security issues, meaning that it’s not the best option for businesses wanting to process online transactions, or websites with high levels of traffic.
A virtual private server (VPS) is the next price point, and makes a great all-round choice for medium sized organisations, or those who value scalability for their website. Although it once again relies on shared server facilities, with VPS your allocation of resources is ring-fenced, ensuring that other sites’ performance doesn’t adversely affect your own. Furthermore, the number of total sites held on a VPS is restricted to twenty or so. You have more scope to customise your website with applications, and it’s still very user friendly, even for those without technical expertise. You can explore the possibilities via sites such as https://www.names.co.uk/web-hosting. Cloud based hosts are an increasingly popular variant of this kind of service, offering excellent scalability and security.
Dedicated private servers
If you have a larger organisation or expect your website to receive a great deal of traffic, a private server may be the best option. Whilst this is undoubtedly the most expensive type of service, you will have total control over your own dedicated server, right down to choosing its operating system. For this reason, it’s best left to those with a team on hand that have the necessary expertise to monitor and maintain it, although there are managed services available.
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