You might have studied for an online masters in counseling to enable you to set up your own successful counseling company, but none of that is going to matter much if you are not willing to invest some time into making your website perfect for potential clients. You could already have a good sized client base through local advertising, but you are missing out on a lot more clients if you don’t spend time on getting your website right. Making sure your website is user-friendly isn’t hard at all and with a bit of time and effort, you can improve your chances of having a website that potential clients are going to enjoy navigating. Have a look at some of the points that will make your website user-friendly.
Simple and Professional
Sometimes a good website is one that offers a simple experience. Websites do not have to be designed in amazing detail to look good, and as long as you have spent some time making sure your website looks professional, but still retains its simple look, then that is usually good enough for a positive client experience. Ask your friends and family to browse your website as if they were a potential client and get them to write you a list of the things they would suggest changing to make it more user-friendly.
Speed Up Your Website
Potential clients aren’t going to wait around for your web pages to load. Instead, they will just go back to the search engines and look for another counseling service in your area. This is why it’s very important to make sure your website loads as quickly as possible. There are many ways you can do this. Cleaning up your website’s code, for example, will improve your loading times almost instantly. If you are not technically inclined, have a look at one of the many guides that will point you in the right direction. There are other points to consider here as well and you could even change hosting providers to make your website even quicker.
Install Scripts and Plugins
The Content Management System (CMS) you are using will likely determine your options when it comes to installing scripts and plugins. If you are using a platform like WordPress, for example, you can benefit from the many plugins that will help speed up your website without you needing to put in too much effort.
Hire A Professional
There are many professionals out there that offer web development services so you can concentrate on more important matters like serving your clients with the counseling services they need. This could prove to be an expensive option, but it is always worth considering, especially if you do not have a lot of experience when it comes to websites.
You had put in a lot of effort into achieving your counseling degree online, so it’s important you make sure you put in the same amount of effort with your website. If you do this, you will benefit from an even bigger client base that will continue to make your business a success for years to come.
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