Many business owners who own websites ask this question when their visits drop. The fact is that most people don’t visit a website because they just can’t find it. It’s buried deep in the bowels of the search engine and hundreds of other sites have already beaten them to it in the search engine rankings. For help with getting your site up to scratch, consider Web Design Swansea from Accent ADC
To put it very simply – visits drop when people can’t find it! It’s as simple as that – anyone who uses a search engine like Google will be at the mercy of their bots and analysis. If your site has a poor trust flow or not the right keywords, then you’ll struggle to be seen. Most people who search the web, won’t go further than the first page of listings! Those who do find your website will not find it until they have found it by doing things like typing in a particular search word into Google and hitting search. That’s why your visitors keep leaving – they can’t find your website!
So the only way that your visitors are going to find your website is if they specifically look for it! This is great for existing customers but for finding new ones, not so great. You have to get fresh visitors to your website before they spend their precious time and money on a competitor’s site instead.
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