Television is no longer the center of entertainment

4 min read

The multiscreening, using more than one screen, is so popular in some markets to answer the question of who dominates the entertainment in the lounge of the home is increasingly difficult.

For years, consumers sat watching television. Family sat together and watched TV. Were the times when the audience of the programs was millionaires, where there were far fewer channels to choose from and where there were not half of elements that capturing of the attention of consumers and their interest than there are now. In short, there were no phones, or tablets or internet connections that were to be connected at all times be so easy.

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In that environment, the TV was the queen, but as time has gone by and as things have been, changing TV has been losing share of power. Things are changing and television is closer to its setting (or rather, being forced to a conversion) than the time of unchallenged and unquestioned reign. Different phenomena, such as the ‘cable cutters’ (US consumers who renounce the subscription of cable TV because they have the content they need on the Internet) or children who have stopped watching television, have gone underpinning this idea.

In fact, in some markets, the television and it could not be considered at all queens home. The multiscreening, using more than one screen, is so popular in some markets to answer the question of who dominates the entertainment in the lounge of the home is increasingly difficult. This is just to demonstrate a study of The Real_Living for British IAB, which has concluded that now as many screens are used in leisure time TV is no longer the main screen in the lounge.

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Hardly anyone watching TV and not be doing something else at the same time. Although 50% of British adults found that TV is the focal point of your living room, the truth is that while watching content on this screen are doing many things in parallel. 70% of British adults admit that while watching TV using other connected device. When focus was on millennials, the figures are much higher. 87% of young people between 16 and 34 ensure use other devices while watching TV.

What it is done while the TV is? Typically, it delivered to a number of online behaviors. 34% check email and 31% text messages you receive, while a quarter of respondents purchase online while watching TV. The numbers and variety of activities rise slightly during the advertising guidelines when online activities have surpassed in incidence to talk to someone in the room, go to another room of the house or change channels. Still, the study dismisses the idea that consumers focus on ad breaks the time to see what they want to see on the network. In fact, any time has begun to be good for it.

You cannot talk about second screens

And this data not only invite us to reflect on how they are consuming content and the position of the TV in this area but also to think about the language used to talk about it. Is it still the first screen television and deserve other second screen name or changed the dynamics and these terms are an invitation to deception?

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As Tim Elkington explains, chief strategy officer at the IAB, “all screens are now the same. It is a multifunctional space (room) in which people jump between individual and group activities, whether buying, social networks, emails, work or send messages.” This makes think that television is the epicenter of the activity is increasingly wrong.

In fact, the study proposes to stop talking about second screens and start talking about “switch-screening”, a term that could be translated by screen-changing or changing screens. Basically what we want to emphasize is not that there is a secondary screen which devotes attention while content is another dominant, but rather that the consumer has become a kind of butterfly jumping from screen.

The consumer may feel that TV is positioned in the center of the room and not the whole room has a tablet on the table waiting for the consumer to use again and simultaneously, but that hardly matters. More and more screens and more and more used simultaneously (in fact the television viewing times overlap with the times of use of these mobile devices), which means that in reality the second screens have ceased to exist. Now the world is one of multiple screens.

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